dreamvolution [il clone pigro di x-novo]

2 November 2006

small rulers… regime trials

Filed under: censorship,italy,Media,politics — paolo margari @ 1:46 am

the mediapopulist regime, ruling in italy from 2001 to 2005, fired two well known journalists biagi and santoro and the showman luttazzi because they were a trouble to the ruling class. now that prodi came back to the government santoro came back to the public broadcasting, but where’re luttazzi and biagi?

well done lippi!

Filed under: italy,Media — paolo margari @ 12:52 am

red rebeli don’t mean marcello, i mean claudio: il pranzo è servito!
recent tv formats are among the main responsible of the cultural and social anti-development in italy. i think that canale5, the private broadcasting service owned by the populist politician silvio berlusconi, is the main guilty. too posh, too rubbish, too far from reality. i don’t mention rete4 as the worst just because it’s smaller. lanza is just a small (small?) worker paid to keep that system on the move. lippi is a small hero which escape from that fucking nonsense and everybody will forget soon.
public channel must be public, not private and, if they are private, can’t belong to a party. it’s logic that they won’t be objective, but it seems too late: the brain of all ship is off for many years, progress is dead and anti-culture rules.

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